What should the new generic question and answer that people greet each other with be?
For centuries this was the only option:
- How goes it with you?
- Quite well indeed.
and people were polite about it but kind of bored and anxious. Then the 20th century happened and everyone went crazy with new questions and answers to greet each other with. In WWII era most people said:
- How are you?
- Fine thanks.
which has retained popularity in some circles even to this day. In the 1960's hippies invented:
- What's up?
- Not much.
which in 1991 was briefly relpaced with:
- What's up?
- The sky.
but this interpretation was squashed within a matter of weeks, and the generic question and answer people greet each other with became:
- How's it going?
- All right. (variation: "pretty good.")
people have gotten fed up with this lately, and they are demanding a new option for things to say when they see their sort-of friend and don't know what to say to them. What should it be? You must decide. Please select from the options below:
Option A.- How are you feeling?
- Healthy and strong.
Option B.- Where are you coming from?
- A good place.
Option C.- Is it nice to see me?
- It is always nice to see you.
Option D.- Why has it been so long since we have seen each other?
- Because you are in such high demand.
Option E.- Do you like this outfit?
- I love that outfit.
Option F.(write-in)